During cool-down, teams are free to work on whatever they want. After working hard to ship their six-week projects, they enjoy having time that’s under their control. They use it to fix bugs, explore new ideas, or try out new technical possibilities.


Working on stuff outside of the shaping cycle. Usually, we try to focus on bugs, technical debt and exploring new ideas. The main idea is to do the stuff you don't have time for during the 6-week development cycle.

Cool-down phase takes place every 8-weeks after the 6-week Development cycle and it's 2-weeks long.

How we do it

  1. The cool-down period will be kicked off by on the Monday standup
  2. The team members will be working on tasks we've together prepared for the cool-down period
  3. The team members may attend several meetings, the schedule of retrospective meetings should be announced on the Monday Standup.
  4. The cool-down ends after 2 weeks. The result isn't specific here because the output can vary by the nature of the task itself. Anyway, all the done stuff should be deployed or prepared for the deployment at the end of the next 6-week cycle.

Read more in the Principles section in which all phases are explained in fine detail.
